Modular Solutions to House the Homeless
January 26, 2023

As the homeless epidemic increases in this country, so too does the need for more housing. Modular solutions for housing the homeless is a trend that started in London in 2015 and has since made its way to America.
It really started to take off during the Covid-19 crisis, as more and more interim housing was needed for homeless during the many “shelter-in-place†mandates. Not only do modular structures provide cost-saving shelter solutions for the homeless during times of crisis, they also provide shelter for victims of wildfires or other natural disasters.
Ensuring adequate temporary shelter is a big challenge for states and cities all over the United States. That’s why modular structures are becoming a more popular way to accommodate these needs. They’re easy to set up, they’re affordable, and they’re comfortable.
Benefits of Modular Homeless Structures
There are many advantages to deploying modular structures to address homeless needs. Because sustainability is a goal on everyone’s mind these days, modular housing is great because it can be built anywhere and in a timely manner. And because it can be built with fewer materials and less disruption to the environment than traditional construction, modular housing is considered highly sustainable.
This is particularly desirable during times of crisis, as factory-built modular housing is able to be assembled and transported wherever the need may be, at any time. Organizations such as the Red Cross have been using modular units for disaster victims for years, and the YMCA has recently started employing the use of such structures to address the homeless population in dense neighborhoods.
Modular structures can be used wherever housing is at an extreme shortage and budgets are tight. Thus, many organizations and municipalities are using modular construction as a means of solving the housing crisis.
Homeless communities have been popping up here in this country, such as the 70-room “tiny village†known as Tahanan, located in San Francisco. Similar communities can be seen throughout Los Angeles as well. Modular structure communities designed to aid the homeless or displaced also exist in Portland, Seattle, Oahu, Hawaii, Austin, and Charlotte, NC.
A Look to the Future
In addition to their cost-efficiency, modular structures can be rapidly set up and be move-in ready in days rather than weeks or months. On top of that, you can easily move them as needed, which comes in handy in crisis situations where natural disasters occur at the spur of the moment anywhere in the country. It’s also important to note that modular housing is compliant with local zoning laws.
In years past, many people felt that modular housing lowered the value of surrounding properties and detracted from the aesthetics of the neighborhood. But this is becoming less and less of an issue as the appearance of modular structures has greatly improved.
Contact Texas State Modular
If you are in need of modular structures to house the homeless in your municipality, or even for natural disaster situations, we can help. Call us for a free quote today. We are here for your temporary housing needs now and in the future.